Celebrity phone numbers 2022

The only one website with real numbers

List of phone number from celebrities

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Our users latest comments

I've always dreamed to talk with Selena Gomez. The site celebritiesphones.com allowed me to fulfill my dream. I've been looking for her number for a long time on the internet and finally found their website. All other pages contained false information.


I am the biggest fan of Justin Bieber for 5 years. I go to his concerts every month, but I have never talked to him. Now I had a chance to do it, I talked to him on the phone for almost 30 minutes. Dreams come true and are grateful to the founders of this website.


I wrote comments on his videos on youtube and under the pictures on instagram. I even wrote private messages without any effect. Fortunately, here I found a phone number for Mattyb and I could send an SMS to him and he replied to me!


List of famous people phone numbers

We are proud that we can present you the latest version of our website. You will find here real cell phone numbers from around the world. The list has over 100 people and is constantly growing. We hope you will share the page with your friends. All our work is done for free and please appreciate our contribution to the development of this website.

Real celebrities phone number

We only share real information, so please be prudent to use them. Do not share it with any friend and do not post publicly on social networking sites. The more popular and generally accessible the phone number, the greater the chance that the number will cease to exist.

Famous people phone numbers

It is difficult to get phone numbers from famous people and celebrities. This information is protected because every fan would like to contact them. Imagine that you get thousands of text messages and phone calls per day. What will you do then? You change the number and inform your loved ones about it. Cell numbers that are available from us have been acquired for many months and we do not want them to be abused.

More information about our celebrity numbers website

We encourage you to send screenshots from conversations via contact. The most interesting conversations will be shown in our gallery on the home page. If you manage to have a phone conversation with your idol then record it and send it to us. We will put it in a place of honor so that everyone can listen to it.

You can also join our special waiting list. After signing up you will receive notifications whenever we add new contact details to any famous person. We are also planning to add residence addresses and email addresses to our list. If you have any information that may be useful for us, please contact us.

Every month, we vote for the most popular celebrity. We do this to get to know your opinions and know what type of content to upload on our blog. We also offer the possibility of a guest entry on our blog. If you run a blog with similar content, we would be happy to invite you to write a few words that we will publish later.

How we got all the phone numbers?

You often ask us how we got all the phone numbers that you can download for free. The answer is very simple. We get most of the numbers because we have connections among celebrity managers. The creators of this website are journalists with many years of experience and an extensive network of contacts. This portal for fans is developed by us after working hours as our passion. All this makes us happy and we are going to continue this all the time. That is why your support and your opinions are so important that you can send to us through contact.

5 reasons why you should use our website:

Real celebrity phone number- is it right?

A lot of people say that you can not get a real number. We guarantee that our site contains only true and verified information. Lots of people are looking for these things online every month, and our job is to meet your expectations. If you want a number from someone you have not added yet, let us know. We will try to get it and add it in the next seven days.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to download a phone number ?

To download a celebrity phone numbers, first search for the person to whom you would like to receive the number. Then go directly to this post and click "download number". You will then be redirected to the download page where you must confirm that you are a human. Data that we provide can not fall into the hands of bots. Then the celebrities would change their phone numbers because everyone would call them. We must take care of safety and this is the most important thing for us. Standard verification methods no longer work, because people can bypass them. On our site we used verification by making a quick and free survey. We realize that people do not like this type of security, but as we mentioned, security is our priority.

Do you have real phone numbers?

Yes, all the celebrities phone numbers that you can download from us are real. We try to update our database almost every day. We have several people who are responsible for verifying everything we post. We also have an extensive network of connections that allows us to acquire these phone numbers from famous people.

Is downloading files with numbers free?

Our services have always been free and they will always be. This project is carried out by us completely free and in the form of a hobby. We privately are fans of these people just like you. We are happy that we can acquire things that are unavailable to ordinary people. We are even more happy when we see messages from you in which you show your joy after talking to celebrities.

How do you choose celebrities?

At the beginning, we check what the popularity of the celebrity is. We check his social media such as Twitter and Instagram. If we observe a big increase in fans, we take such a famous person into consideration. Then we verify where the sudden increase in popularity. Usually, this is due to the release of a new movie or song. This is the reason why we have a lot of people from children's films. Such films are most often watched, which in turn leads to the popularity of such and not other celebrities.

Do famous people have time for phone calls?

Maybe it will surprise you, but they have a lot of time. They have a lot of time for phone calls because they plan their free time. Most artists like to talk to their fans. Very often, fans give them ideas for new songs and inspire them to act. Remember to check whenever they have concerts, because then they can not make a phone call. I recommend writing and calling in the middle of the week in the evenings.

How many phone numbers can I get?

There is no limit. Each user of our website can receive as many phone numbers as he wants. All you need to do is enter the appropriate tab with the person and click "show the number". You can do this unlimited number of times each day.

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