What is Santa Claus phone number?

This is the only website where you can get Santa Claus phone number, email and contact with him!

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Guide how to write to Santa Claus email address

Calling Santa Claus is very easy with us

Santa is the most popular person in the world and everyone likes him. Everyone likes to get presents so everyone likes the person who gives these presents. Every year, exactly on December 6, Saint Nicholas appears in the house of all children to give them a present. The best gifts are given to well-behaved children. Parents always remind their children about it. Before Christmas, everyone is writing a letter to Santa Claus. The letter is later picked up by his elves, who bring them to the headquarters. Santa's headquarters is in Lapland or the North Pole. It is a very cold land in which reindeers and helpers of Saint Nicholas live.

How to make Santa Claus phone call?

The gifts you get from him are produced in a special factory. The factory is in Lapland as well as reindeers. A very important factor is where you live. The residence address affects the delivery time of gifts. There were situations in which Santa did not arrive on time and people did not receive gifts. Such situations are extremely rare, but you must keep this in mind when writing a letter. Try not to ask for too big and demanding toys. It will be a good idea to borrow a modest gift once in a while, and later for a year something more expensive. In this way, you will enter balancing in orders and therefore fewer delays will occur

Latest comments

I am 8 years old and I'm happy that I could finally call Santa Claus. I ordered from him for a lot of Christmas presents. I hope I get them all.


I am satisfied with the services of this website because they kept their word and delivered the product. I got a phone number, email and home address from Santa. I did not incur any fees, everything was free.


This is probably the best service with phone numbers and email addresses. On other websites, you have to pay for everything, and here everything is free and there are no additional ads.


My dream will come true and all this with the help of the website celebritiesphones.com. The editors of this site helped me get the phone number to Santa Claus. I called him and asked for some presents. He said that he would try to deliver all of them on time, i.e. by the end of December. It was the best phone conversation in my life that I will never forget


I wrote an email to Santa and he wrote back. I got an answer from him along with a short film in which he confirmed that he existed. He promised me that he would come to me at night to give me a present and that I could talk to him.


I got the address from Santa Claus and went to him. It was an unannounced visit and he was a bit surprised, but he told him I had his address from celebritiesphones.com. He said that he knows this site and respects the creators and editors. I would like to thank the editors for making my dreams come true.


Frequently Asked Questions

How did you get Santa Claus phone number?

As he has to describe the entire task in less than 24 hours, it requires a lot of effort from him. Then he rests for a few months and then presents the gift and toys. There are a lot of people in the world, a few billion. A smaller part of the number of children who write letters to him asking for gifts.

What is Santa Claus email address?

Saint Nicholas has always existed, but not everyone believes in it. Various legends and stories tell how it was created. Each of them has a grain of truth, but one must be able to notice where there is fiction and where is the truth. You can find a lot of information on the internet on sites devoted to science, history, and archeology. Some people have dedicated their lives to examine the secrets of our world. One of such secrets is Santa himself and his birth. There is no precise information where he came from or who his parents were. Because of this, some think that he is an imaginary figure, and gifts bring to the family

Is it easy to calling Santa?

Of course, this is not true, parents do not bring gifts. They are delivered and produced by Saint Nicholas and his elves. According to the oldest records, he has always lived in one place, ie at the North Pole. He has supernatural skills thanks to which he can very quickly mix and deliver gifts. Many people would like to know how to do it because it would greatly facilitate the work of, for example, couriers. Mikołaj as a young boy did not have money or toys. He was poor and nobody wanted to play with him. As he grew up, he promised himself that he would do everything in his power so that no one would feel like he did during his childhood. Unfortunately, he can not make everyone happy.

What do I have to do to get a gift from Santa Claus?

o receive a gift from Santa Claus you have to write a letter. The letter must be written on a small piece of paper that you must put on the window. Then an elf helper will come at night to take the card to his headquarters. Of course, you will not get all the things you ask for. It must be an easy thing to do and it does not cost you much money.

The price is very important for this type of wish. An exit from this situation is a telephone conversation with Santa Claus. Just take the phone, enter its number and call. During the conversation, there is a greater chance that you will be able to order what you want.

He can do it only once a year because there is not enough strength for more actions. Providing so many gifts in one day is a big challenge and I think that no one is surprised that after that he has to rest for a long time.

Almost no one has a phone number for him so you can be sure that he will pick up the call. At the beginning of the conversation, introduce yourself, tell who you are and where you live. Then say what you ask for, give the name of the item or toy you would like to get. If you have any other dreams than a toy, it would also tell him about it. Remember that Santa has magical abilities that he can conjure up whatever you dream of.

What is Mrs Claus phone number?

Every child would like to have a phone number for him. Everyone is looking for him on Christmas, because the Christmas period is the time of gifts that Santa provides. We like to do good deeds just like everyone else in the holiday season. Therefore, at the very top of this article you can find the number mentioned earlier. Remember to talk quickly, concisely and to the point. Other children also want to call him.

How long it take when I'm calling Santa?

You can have a telephone conversation for as long as you want. As we previously wrote, Ariana Grande Phone Numberis still resting, to have strength for a special holiday on December 6. Therefore, he is very bored and willing to devote his free time to talk to someone who cares about it. Having his phone number, you show him that you care a lot because to get him you need to get very tired.

Remember to talk not only about your needs but also about what's going on with him. Let him tell interesting stories, ask a creative question. You have to remember that he gets bored because he has no one to talk to. His helpers can not speak and feel very lonely.

What is the email and home address of Santa residence?

Logically, he camouflaged because if anyone would notice that he is a great Santa, he would not be able to free himself from people. Everyone would want to talk to him and learn many things. Most people will never see it live. Even on the internet, they do not have pictures so no one knows what he looks like. We managed to get all this information thanks to our cunning, but we do not have any photos. Our camera was spoiled when we were going to take pictures from hiding.

The exact address of residence is very difficult to get because he lives at the North Pole. Sometimes he goes to another country and then you can meet him. Even if someone would like to go to the North Pole to him, he will not find it because there are no street names. At the North Pole, there are no cities at all. There is only snow and ice there. Therefore, you must look for him in the United States or other cities to which he arrives several times a year. We managed to get a list of these places together with the full address. It was a very difficult task because he was hiding very well.

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